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EU-PROMENS is financed by the EU4Health programme for the period 2021-2027. The programme implements flagship 15 ‘Initiative For More And Better Trained Professionals in the EU’ of the Commission’s Communication on a comprehensive approach to mental health. It is managed by the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA).


GFA Consulting Group GmbH Germany (group leader), Trimbos Institute from the Netherlands and Mental Health Europe from Belgium have joined forces to collaboratively implement this project.

GFA Consulting

  • GFA Consulting

    GFA is one of the leading European consulting firms active in development cooperation with a turnover of EUR 158 million for 2022. Since its founding in 1982, GFA has carried out more than 3,000 studies and projects in over 130 countries including a multitude of large-scale contracts with a volume of more than 10 million EUR. GFA provides international consultancy services in 10 strategic areas, including health and education. Today, GFA has more than 400 in-house staff in Germany, and in total over 1,600 staff members world-wide.

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Trimbos Institute

  • Trimbos Institute

    The Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction (Trimbos Institute), is one of the largest knowledge institutes for mental health of its kind in the world, based in the Netherlands with about 240 employees. The Trimbos Institute was founded in 1996 with the merger of the Netherlands Centre for Mental Health (NCGV) and the Netherlands Institute for Alcohol and Drugs (NIAD). The institute fo-cuses on six key themes: (1) alcohol, (2) drugs, (3) tobacco, (4) public mental health, (5) care & participation, and (6) gaming, digital balance & gambling. In doing so, the institute takes a life course perspective as starting point. The Trimbos Institute has close collaboration with education institutions, municipalities, public health service institutions, mental health centres, and service user organisations - locally, nationally and internationally.

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Mental Health Europe

  • Mental Health Europe

    Mental Health Europe (MHE) is the largest independent European non-governmental network organisation that focuses on promoting positive mental health, preventing mental distress, improving care, advocating for social inclusion, and protecting the rights of persons with mental health problems and psycho-social disabilities.

    MHE represents organisations and individuals active in the field of mental health and psychosocial disability in Europe, including people with lived experience, their families and supporters, national and European associations in the mental health field, mental health professionals, service providers, and human rights experts. As such, MHE provides a unique hub for exchange between its 71 member organisations from 32 European countries and European and international institutions. With almost 40 years of experience, MHE has learned to collaborate with a wide network of professionals and experts across Europe.

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