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The programme is tentative, and a detailed overview will follow soon



Specific Site Visits
  • Gain insight about Neuvola-system to promote the maternity and child health Maternity and child health clinics - Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (
  • Visiting the centre for culture and mental well-being
  • Learning about Finnish unique suicide prevention methods
  • Visits and increase in knowledge about E-Health projects of Finland
  • Visit to the Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry to learn about community rehabilitation for released prisoners
  • Gain insight to Valo-Valmennusyhdistys ry projects that promote the mental health of vulnerable people in many different ways
  • Visits to special vocational training centres 


 Hybrid Conclusive Workshop
  • Hybrid conclusive workshop to report findings and insights gathered from observations during shadowing visits, workshops and working visits.
  • The conclusive workshop will include a variety of partner organizations and national agencies. 


 Roundtable Discussions
  • The program offers the opportunity for the participants to have spaces of reflection, discuss the learnings of the visits and exchange experiences.




Prevention and Promotion

  • Learn about activities for refugee/migrant and other vulnerable populations in Finland 
  • Discover innovative ways to promote mental health for the new family  
  • Get opportunity to look in-depth into how suicide prevention systems work


  • Unique opportunity to learn about Finland’s approach to rehabilitation of former prisoners towards a crime-free life and interact with Silta-valmennusyhdistys ry community rehabilitation for released prisoners.  

Community based mental health approach in practice

  • Learn about different models of social housing for homeless and interact with professionals in the field 
  • Gain knowledge on the bridging of psychiatric treatment - hospital/non-residential care and community-based services.  



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