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Geographic scope: EU-PROMENS covers 27 EU Member States, Norway, Iceland and Ukraine.


Professional scope: The EU-PROMENS concept of ‘mental health’ refers not only to the absence of mental health conditions that can cause psychological distress and impair the daily functioning of an individual or increase the risk of self-harm. It also refers to the provision of support to protect and promote the mental health and mental wellbeing of individuals, especially for vulnerable groups and those experiencing crisis situations. It is following the European Commission Comprehensive Approach to Mental Health.

The overall aim of our programme is to support the promotion of a comprehensive, prevention-oriented approach to mental health as a public health issue, through capacitybuilding and multidisciplinary trainings of health professionals and other professionals working at community level in multiple settings and covering the life-course of an individual (e.g. health and care services, schools and educational settings, social care services, community care for the elderly, prisons and juvenile detention facilities, job centres, youth centres, etc.).
The multidisciplinary dimension of our activites stems from the need to look at mental health from a comprehensive perspective, requiring a coordinated approach across different public sectors, such as health, education, social affairs and other relevant sectors, through a life-course approach addressing needs of different age groups as well as factoring in the gender aspect and in line with a mental health-in-all-policies approach.

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